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The Kansas City Bankruptcy Bar Association is a professional organization created to promote civility, cooperation, and professionalism within the Kansas City Metropolitan bankruptcy bar. In 2013, KCBBA provided more than 12 hours of Continuing Legal Education. Each program is free to members and provides at least 3 Missouri and kansas credits per program. Each year, the KCBBA hosts several networking events including a Spring Social in conjunction with the Western District of Missouri, a Diversity Networking Event with local law students, and the annual holiday party. Networking events are free to members.


Annual membership dues are $85 and include access to multiple CLE programs and social events each year.

The Kansas City Bankruptcy Bar Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting education and the bankruptcy practice in the Kansas City area. KCBBA membership is available to individuals involved in the practice of bankruptcy law in the Western District of Missouri and the District of Kansas.
The KCBBA provides education, a forum for the exchange of ideas, and networking opportunities to support its members. The KCBBA strives to improve bankruptcy practice in the Kansas City Metro by providing 4 CLE programs each year for its members, free of charge. 
13 trustees
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